Theories of Science – Basic Knowledge

Science axioms:

In Theories of Science it’s never ever possible to prove a thesis right. Only to falsify a thesis

This follows of the most important axiom in Theories of Science:

Each time/period in history needs to rethink and revaluated old accepted theories and thesis from new “days” advancing analyse methods and/or new facts brought to the “table”.

Remember that one single black dot on a white paper makes the paper non-white. One single contradiction in a theory is enough for that theory/thesis to be proven wrong.

One single artifact and or factor found in an unexpected place always needs to be folly explained. Or that single artifact/factor leads up to necessarity of formulating a new thesis which includes new knowledge.
Same for thesis in History and Archaeology as for thesis in so called Natural Science.
Implications of falsified Thesis

There are several Fallacies in argumentation, Norah4science page English text to be taken into account when ever someone calls for “consensus”. Consensus is a political term with no connection what so ever to Theories of Science.

Swedish text for Fallacies: Fallacies vid argumentering, Norah4science sida svensk text

All expressed thesis, opinion and/or presented argument consists of words used or expressed without words. Words in itself always is one or more terms used to express the thesis/opinion and/or argument.
Thus it’s always important understanding Definition of terms

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